Interview: Jasmine Sanders Talks COVID in Color


Jasmine Sanders, co-host of The DL Hughley Show, lends her talent to Impact Television’s COVID in Color. A townhall focusing on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects people of color, the special series started on October 3rd and will run until December 19th. Sanders took out time from her hectic schedule to speak on the program’s importance to our community.

I would like to honor you for inspiring other women and utilizing your platforms and voice to provide education and create awareness. Your acts of dedication and service to the world do not go unnoticed. On behalf of Urban Magazine I’d like to thank you. Outside of being a media queen, who is Jasmine Sanders?
I always tell people I’m no different than the girl next store. Blessed to be in a business I’ve always wanted to be in. I always was chasing dreams. I’m that good girlfriend that you can call when you’re in trouble, when you want to hang out or need your ass whipped.

Where did the decision to create awareness concerning COVID-19 in the lives of African Americans stem from?
It obviously comes from the shared numbers and negative impact it has on our community; misinformation, fear, not knowing the truth are leading factors. I felt compelled to speak up on my show and on my platform. I jumped at the opportunity! We as a community of color are financially and mentally behind. We have been decimated by racism. Then here comes COVID. I hate the fact that we have all these conspiracy theories and doctors on social media. The fact that people are listening to tic toc blows my mind. That’s why I thought it was important to bring together people who are experts in the field.

Seems like there is a demand for African Americans to get vaccinated, why do you think there are so many who haven’t done so already?
As mentioned earlier, fear. One of the biggest conspiracy’s is that they will put a chip in you. If they wanted to put a chip in you they already could have. They have chips in computers and in phones to track where you are already. The apps you mindlessly agree too; they are already tracking you. Use common sense. We’re hurting ourselves. The Tuskegee Experiment; mistrust from the government and the treatment African Americans receive from the government are all factors.

What does that say to the ancestors who died and fought for us? We are not fighting to live. I also think it’s sad that there is so much trust in things we don’t even know about, like the Popeye chicken sandwich. People will wait in line for a chicken sandwich and they don’t even know what’s in the chicken,… or weed! What’s in the weed? What’s in the chicken? I’m just saying.

Could you provide any facts surrounding the impact the pandemic has had?
There is information readily available. The CDC has information and if you check the numbers at the John Hopkins Hospital the numbers are coming from people of color. I caught COVID. One of the side effects is brain fog. Now I have a difficult time remembering things and connecting things. DL had it, and I caught it from him. It took a longer time for me to test negative and I happen to get it twice!… and I was asymptomatic. You can pass it to other people unknowingly because some people have no symptoms and one of those people might have a compromised immune system. What happens if you give it one of your elders or children?

We live in closer compounds. A lot of us don’t like to go to the doctors. We don’t like to ask for help. We are dying!
I am generally healthy. Haven’t had the cold or flu in years. I work out and eat right; still caught COVID. Having to deal with brain fog and my short breathing makes me think, will I ever be able to work out like I use to? I know it’s real. I know what it can do. Why are we so arrogant to believe the government would trick the whole world? I admit, I didn’t get it at first when Trump was in office. I didn’t trust the vaccine because I didn’t trust him. When I finally decided to get the vaccine, I did research. I found out a sister came up with Moderna. When I went to get my vaccine I walked in there were nothing but white people. Anytime white people will truck to the hood, you know we need it.

Did you receive any support or backlash from other public figures when you took on this venture?
I had a fair share of both. People were saying what I’m doing is misleading, I’m on the side of whitey but I think that comes with the territory. Any person who takes on any type of cause you know it’s going to come with those who believe you and those who wouldn’t. I was willing to take on the naysayers. Overall I had more supporters.

What are some of the topics of discussion viewers can look forward to when “COVID in Color”?
Mental Health. The whole country being on lockdown. The increase in depression and domestic violence. People of color have a history of not asking for help. I will be having people speak on that. Addressing the financial issues…financial literacy because a lot of people have loss jobs, quit jobs and have been laid off. We will be talking about reorganizing your life, some of the steps you should be thinking about now that the stimulus checks are done. How to take care of ourselves. Making sure we are prepared because we been so far behind. We as blacks want to be basketball players, rappers; we don’t have black and brown faces in enough places. Gems will be dropped! It was a privilege for me to be in the room with them.

What can viewers expect to take away after watching each episode?
My goal is to get people to be open. Don’t be so close minded about what you believe to be true. Be open to learn some new facts. Go google and do your own research afterward. I want people of color to be safe. I want to create generational wealth but we can’t have that if we don’t have any generations.

Treece Alves

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