A Quick Word on Cultural Appropriation from The Editor


I strongly disagree with the suggestion that Eminem’s Grammy win is a win for the appropriation of black culture.

I believe there are artists from all cultures who truly personify the core principles hip hop embodies.

You don’t have to be black to identify with our struggle while it has to be acknowledged that others can opt-out at any time.

Though our experiences are different, hip hop roots from being able to tell your story and as long as that narrative is authentic, you are not appropriating, but honoring the tradition.

To me, rappers who make their name with stories of fiction that glamorize destructive behaviors are a far bigger threat to our community.

If you can’t tell the difference in authenticity between Eminem and Iggy or can’t take an honest measure of how some black artist misappropriate our culture in hopes of success at the expense of young black lives, then your silence is much appreciated. Keep it fair. Please and thank you.


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