Mos Def Made Drake Pop | Episode 234 | New Rory & Mal

In their recent podcast, the hosts covered a variety of topics, starting with a discussion on movie theater etiquette and the importance of respectful behavior during screenings. They went on to share insights and opinions on ‘Aquaman 2,’ along with a lighthearted story about a shared encounter with a rat. The conversation flowed between book reviews, potential studio sessions with D’Angelo, and reflections on Drake’s rise to pop stardom influenced by Mos Def.

The hosts also delved into personal anecdotes, from clubbing experiences with celebrities to reflections on the industry’s impact on children. The episode wrapped up with a mix of humorous stories, birthday shoutouts, and congratulations to Lil Nas X, creating an engaging blend of entertainment, personal experiences, and cultural commentary for a diverse audience.

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