Frank Ocean Guilty of Twitching and being a Bitch Ass #$%$@ on a Sunday Night


First, the once undercover brother lover and Grammy nominated singer Frank Ocean allegedly blocked Chris Brown in at Westlake Studio.

He initiates a completely avoidable confrontation with the media’s favorite R&B bad boy and gets tossed like fresh salad (Think about it).

Five hours after getting beat like a female pop star on the night of the Grammy’s, Ocean goes on Twitter and plays for sympathy saying he got jumped.

Verdict:  Frank Ocean, just because you’re gay, bi or whatever preference needed to promote an album, doesn’t mean you couldn’t take that ass whooping like a man.

And to those who judged Chris Brown, I offer this in the most ghetto translation possible : There’s a big difference between beating bitches and beating up a bitch ass __________  (not be cause he’s gay but because it’s true) who started the fight.

They both may be wrong, but the latter is definitely fair.

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