Open Letter to the City of Poughkeepsie’s 8th Ward

sakima mcclinton

To the residents of the 8th Ward of Poughkeepsie,

I write to you today with a sense of both disappointment and concern regarding the recent election outcome that led to the decision not to elect Sakima McClinton as your representative. It is my belief that this choice reflects a missed opportunity for progress and positive change in our community.

Having closely followed Sakima McClinton’s career and contributions, I am convinced of her dedication and unwavering commitment to the 8th ward. Her proven track record of advocating for equitable education, accessible healthcare, and sustainable urban development speaks volumes about her understanding of your unique needs.

Ms. McClinton’s ability to foster collaboration among local businesses, residents, and government entities has played a pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive and thriving community for all. Her deep-rooted engagement and tireless efforts have shown her commitment to making a tangible difference.

The act of electing a representative goes beyond a simple vote; it holds the power to shape the path our ward takes. It demands a careful assessment of candidates’ qualifications, visions, and potential contributions. It is in this context that I express my reservations about the choice made. While the opposing candidate may have their merits, it is undeniable that Sakima McClinton’s experience and dedication make her a strong contender for this role.

Moving forward, I implore each of you to stay informed and engaged in the matters that affect our ward. Your active participation is a cornerstone of our democratic process. Though the recent election outcome may be disheartening, it serves as a reminder that every vote matters, and the decisions we make collectively have a lasting impact.

I remain hopeful that in the future, the residents of the 8th Ward will carefully consider the qualities and contributions that define a candidate’s suitability to represent your shared interests and aspirations. Let us remain united in our pursuit of a brighter future for our community.

Sincerely yours,

Be’n Original, Publisher of Urban Magazine

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